
Filigree manufacture and shop
Area 130m2
Area 130m2
The filigree is a jewelry manufacturing style done from silver or gold threads, which has a rich tradition in Kosovo. It’s a local tradition which is mainly concentrated in the historic city of Prizren. It faces the risk of extinction from generation to generation. This is more severe in the time of free trade that we are in, because the import of the mass produced goods is deeming the local businesses and manufactures to extinction. In the time when everything shines, be it valuable or not, the shimmer of the filigree, stuck in the small dark shops is slowly fading away. It’s beauty should be expressed and it should be presented in front of people for this rich tradition to be appreciated once again, and a continuation through the generations to be granted.
The ‘divine’ proportions represent a harmonic relation of the parts of a whole. Many artists and architects, through the history until now have used these proportions, especially what is known as the golden rectangle with a ratio of 1 to 1.63… believing that this proportion is attractive to the human eye. We see this ratio manifested also in the nature, or even in the relation of the human body parts to each other. In order to achieve such proportions in the composition of the interior walls, we have lowered the ceiling, and as a reference module we took the width of the column. This module was used when designing the interior volumes. The interior is in full symmetry to the door axis and the two side walls, where the more rare jewelry is showcased are dimensioned according to the golden ratio.